Guest Musician: Marina Smakhtina

Cellist, Classical Guitarist

Marina Smakhtina
Marina Smakhtina

Marina began studying cello at a music school in Samara, Russia at the age of 10. She received her Master’s degree in Cello Pedagogy and Performance from the Togliatti College of Music named for R.K. Shchedrin in Togliatti, Russia. She has been a music teacher for over 35 years, teaching cello, classical guitar, and piano.

Many of her students have won international music competitions, but even more meaningful for Marina has been the chance to ignite a lifelong love for music in her students. Two of her students in Russia went on to become music teachers and colleagues. In addition to teaching, while in Russia Marina also performed in the Samara Symphony Orchestra.

Since moving to Vermont in 2016, Marina has been involved in several musical ventures. She instructed cello students at Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vermont, was a conductor for the Lakes Region Youth Orchestra Strings Program, and performed with the Champlain Philharmonic Orchestra. Additionally, Marina has been invited to perform as a guest on PEG TV cultural programs, regularly volunteers as a musician at Rutland Regional Medical Center, and has performed as a soloist, in duets, quartets and for other ensembles.

When not making music or teaching as a paraeducator in the Mill River Union United Supervisory Union, Marina enjoys yoga, tai chi, traveling, hiking, cooking, and gardening. She cannot imagine her life without music and teaching.

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